
Dependency Management

Share or distribute your Taxi projects amongst other teams or the community

Once built, Taxi projects can be packaged and published to a repository to allow other projects to depend on them.

Adding dependencies

Dependencies are defined in the taxi.conf project, in the dependencies section. Here's an example:

// Create a project in the acme organisation named "depends-on-sample"
name: acme/depends-on-sample
version: 0.3.0
sourceRoot: src/

dependencies: {
    // Depends on a project in the "acme" organisation called "sample", version 0.3.0
   "org.acme/sample": 0.3.0
   // Depends on a project from git
   "org.acme/another-project" : "https://gitlab.com/taxi-lang/another-project.git"

   // Depends on a project from git, at a specific branch / tag
   "org.acme/project-3" : "https://gitlab.com/taxi-lang/project-3.git#1.2.0"

When running a taxi build command, the taxi-cli will first ensure that all dependent projects have been downloaded, and are present in the local cache.

Dependencies are either fetched from git, or from a specified artifact registry (like Nexus) you to specify the repository to download it from:

For more details on how to define dependencies, and configure repositories to download them from, see here.

If you're editing your `taxi.conf` file in VSCode using our plugin, saving changes to your `taxi.conf` will trigger the download of any dependencies as soon as you save the file.

Sharing projects using Git

To avoid the need for a nexus server, you can pull projects directly from a git repository.

Declare them as follows:

// Create a project in the acme organisation named "depends-on-sample"
name: acme/depends-on-sample
version: 0.3.0
sourceRoot: src/

dependencies: {
   // Depends on a project from git
   "org.acme/another-project" : "https://gitlab.com/taxi-lang/another-project.git"

   // Depends on a project from git, at a specific branch / tag
   "org.acme/project-3" : "https://gitlab.com/taxi-lang/project-3.git#1.2.0"

If working exclusively with git repos, you don't need to declare a repositories section.

Authenticating to Git repos

To provide authentication credentials, use a Username + Personal Authentication Token (supported in Github and Gitlab).

For example:


Sharing projects with Nexus

Currently, Sonatype Nexus is the only non-git supported repository.

This guide does not cover the basics of installing and getting Nexus running, and assumes you've already got a Nexus instance running somewhere. However, for a quick getting started, you can always use the Nexus Docker image, as follows:

$ mkdir /some/dir/nexus-data && chown -R 200 /some/dir/nexus-data
$ docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus -v /some/dir/nexus-data:/nexus-data sonatype/nexus3

This will give you a local running nexus at https://localhost:8081.

Creating a Taxi repository

In Nexus, Taxi repositories are defined as Raw repositories.

  • Log in to Nexus with admin credentials, and create a new repository. From the list of repository types, select "raw (hosted)"
  • Give the repository a name. This is the name that will be used in your repository config section in your taxi.conf file.
  • Configure the rest of the repository settings, including redeployment policies and blob store
  • Click "Create Repository"

Updating your taxi.conf file to publish

In the taxi.conf file of the project you wish to publish to your new repository, add the following:

publishToRepository: {
   // This name is used to look up credentials for auth
   name: "my-corporate-nexus"
   // The base url of the nexus
   url: "http://localhost:8081/"
   settings: {
      // The name you assigned to your repository when creating it in nexus
      repositoryName: taxi-on-nexus

If necessary, also add credentials - either in your projects taxi.conf file (not recommended), or on your system's taxi.conf at ~/.taxi/taxi.conf:

credentials: [
   {repositoryName: "my-corporate-nexus", username: "jimmy", password: "pass123"}

Configuring remote Nexus repositories

Orbital will check any remote repositories declared when trying to resolve dependencies.

Configure these repositories in your taxi.conf file:

repositories: [
      // The name of the repository.  Optional, but used to reference credentials
      name: "my-corporate-nexus",
      url: "http://localhost:8081",
      // Optional.  Defines the type of repository being used.  Currently only 'nexus' is supported,
      // so this can be omitted.
      type : "nexus",

      // Settings specific to the repository provider.
      // Below settings shown are applicable to a nexus repository
      settings: {
         // The name of the repository as defined within nexus
         repositoryName : taxi

Publishing Taxi projects

This section doesn't apply to projects with git urls, as projects are "published" as soon as they're pushed to the relevant Git repo / tag.

Projects are published by running the taxi publish command, from within the same directory that contains your taxi.conf file.

You must first configure a publishToRepository in your taxi.conf file:

publishToRepository: {
   url: "http://localhost:8081/"
   name : "nexus"
   settings: {
      repositoryName : taxi

Credentials can be stored elsewhere, following the rules for taxi.conf merging, as discussed here.

Having configured a repository to publish to, running taxi publish from the directory with your taxi.conf file will trigger the deployment:

Here's a sample output:

$  taxi publish
Taxi version @22a6a51
Adding file /sample-project/taxi.conf
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-enum.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/sub-src/Test-C.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-D.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-B.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-A.taxi
Publishing package taxi/sample/0.3.0 from /tmp/sample-0.3.0.zip to http://localhost:8081/
Will attempt to publish to http://localhost:8081//repository/taxi/taxi/sample/0.3.0/sample-0.3.0.zip using basic auth credentials supplied
Artifact uploaded successfully
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