Querying with TaxiQL
The TaxiQL language is used to execute queries against taxi-aware sources
TaxiQL allows writing queries using your Taxi taxonomy - allowing queries to be expressed independent of the services and models that are providing data.
When paired with a TaxiQL server such as Orbital, this allows dynamic discovery of data, decoupled from the upstream services.
Basic syntax
The basic syntax of a TaxiQL query looks like this:
// Find all the people
find { Person[] }
// Find a person named Jim
find { Person( FirstName == 'Jim' ) }
// Find all the people named Jim
find { Person[]( FirstName == 'Jim' ) }
// Find a stream of person events from somewhere
stream { PersonEvents }
Finding one thing, versus finding many
The type being queried for determines if a single result is discovered, or multiple. To search for multiple entries, search for an array, using the []
Query | Meaning | What's called |
find { Person[] } | Find all the people | Fetch from all services returning Person[] or a subtype of Person[] |
find { Person } | Find a single person | Fetch from a single service returning Person or a subtype of Person |
Providing start hints
Queries with TaxiQL take the form of "Given this thing I know, find me something".
Therefore, we often need to provide starting fact(s) to help with describing how to search.
Starting hints are provided in the form:
given { optionalVariableName : VariableType = 'value' }
...rest of the query...
// Uses the email address to search for a Customer
given { emailAddress : EmailAddress = 'jimmy@demo.com' }
find { Customer }
// The variable name is optional
given { EmailAddress = 'jimmy@demo.com' }
Criteria are specified in parentheses, after the type the criteria are applied to.
For example:
// Find a person named Jim
find { Person( FirstName == 'Jim' ) }
// Find all the people with a Last Name of Smith
find { Person[]( LastName == 'Smith' ) }
Throughout taxi, we favour using Types, rather than field names, to describe attributes of data - it's the same here for querying.
Referencing criteria using a type means that the criteria can be applied against a model regardless of the name of the field where the information is stored. This is especially powerful when querying multiple different models, each with a different structure.
Combining multiple criteria
Criteria can be combined using either AND (&&
) or OR (||
// Find all people born in the year 2010.
find { Person[]( DateOfBirth > '2010-01-01' && DateOfBirth <= '2010-12-31' ) }
The following operators are supported in a query - although support is determined by the actual services running.
Symbol | Meaning |
== | Equal to |
!= | Not equal to |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
< | Less than |
< | Less than or equal to |
Returning data from multiple sources, using Projections
The data returned from a query can be linked across multiple data sources.
Queries always need a "start" point (defined in the find { ... }
block), but can project this data
mixing and matching from mutliple sources.
// Find books, and project wiht a mixture of data:
find { Book[] } as {
title : BookTitle
authorName : FirstName + ' ' + LastName
review: ReviewScore // This likely comes from a different service.
Note that the cardinality must match between the source type and the query result type. i.e.,:
- If the query returns a single result, the projected result must also be single
- If the query returns a collection, the projected result must also be a collection
That information is defined using the Types declared in models and services.
This allows queries to be decoupled from their execution, so as services change, queries remain unaffected
Projecting to a named type
In the previous example, we defined a type inline within the query. These are called "anonymous types".
You can also project data to a previously defined type:
model Author {
personId : PersonId inherits String
firstName : FirstName
lastName : LastName
model Book {
title : BookTitle inherits String
author : PersonId
// Create a type defining the desired output model
model BookAndAuthor {
name : BookTitle
authorName : FirstName + ' ' + LastName
// Find books, and project to BookAndAuthor - a named type.
find { Book[] } as BookAndAuthor[]
Returning a subset of fields from the source type
If you only want to return a subset of fields from the queried type, a shorthand exists for this:
Fields in a projected type which only have a name (ie., do not declare a type) are considered to be selected from the source type.
model Book {
title : BookTitle inherits String
pageCount : PageCount inherits Int
rating : Rating
// Find all the books, and only return the title and page count
find { Book[] } as {
Nested objects
Projected types are just like any type, so you can nest objects within them:
find { Book[] } as {
title : Title,
pageCount : PageCount
reviews: { // <--- nested object
score: ReviewScore
text: ReviewText
Using a spread operator
The spread operator (...
) is shorthand for "And everything else from that type".
For example, given a Person model:
model Person {
firstName : FirstName
lastName : LastName
using the spread operator as follows would return all fields from the Person model along with the reviewRating
find { Person[] } as {
reviewRating: ReviewRating
Excluding from a spread operator
The spread operator can also be used to exclude certain fields from a projection:
given { Person = {
firstName : "Jimmy",
lastName : "Schmitt",
age : 55
find { Person } as {
... except { age, lastName }
Restructuring results to look like another type
Often, you're querying to feed data to another system which has a predefined schema (and a corresponding Taxi definition).
// Find all the books, and restructure them to the BookDatabaseRecord model
find { Book[] } as BookDatabaseRecord[]
Returning a superset of fields from another type
If you want to change the output to look like another type, and add some additional information, this is possible too:
find { Book[] }
as BookDatabaseRecord { // Create an anonymous type which inherits from BookDatabaseRecord
rottenTomatoesReview : RottenTomatoesReview // And add some new data, which will be discovered at query time.
Projecting nested collections
TaxiQL supports fine-grained control over how nested collections are projected using the ->
operator in queries.
The syntax is:
model : CollectionType -> {
...projection spec...
}[] // Note the array marker comes after the projection spec.
Here's an example from a fictional shopping website:
// Here's a transaction from our shopping website
model Transaction {
transactionId : TransactionId
transactionDate : TransactionDate
items : TransactionItem[]
model TransactionItem {
sku : ProductSku
find { Transaction[] } as {
id: TransactionId
items : TransactionItem -> { // Project and enrich the TransactionItems to a different, richer model...
sku : ProductSku // Provide the productSku
description : ProductDescription // We also want the description and size of the product.
size : ProductSize // These aren't available on the source data, so they'll need to be looked up.
Linking data and @Id
When querying across multiple models, data is automatically discovered by calling services that return the requested data. However, sometimes you need to be specific about what values are appropriate to use for lookups.
When a model
exposes an @Id
attribute, then only services that accept that id will be invoked when trying to link data.
For example:
model Movie {
id : MovieId inherits String
title : MovieTitle inherits String
yearReleased : YearReleased inherits Int
model Review {
movie : MovieId
score : ReviewScore inherits Int
service ReviewsService {
operation getReview(MovieId):Review
operation getBestReviewForYear(YearReleased):Review
Given the above model, we can issue queries such as:
find { Movie[] } as {
title : MovieTitle
score : ReviewScore
There are two paths to discover a ReviewScore
from the data available in a Movie
Movie -> MovieId -> getReview(MovieId) -> Review -> ReviewScore
(Correct!)Movie -> YearReleased -> getBestReviewForYear(YearReleased) -> Review -> ReviewScore
Therefore, to restrict the type of data that can be discovered, models can define an @Id
When discovering data from services for models that contain an @Id
, only operations that accept the @Id
value as an input
will be considered.
This excludes the incorrect path.
## Named queries
Queries can be named, and saved in a taxi project, just like any other type:
query PeopleNamedJim {
find { Person( FirstName == 'Jim' ) }
Parameterized queries
Named queries can also have parameters:
query PeopleWithName( name : FirstName ) {
find { Person( FirstName == name ) }
Enriching from multiple sources with @FirstNotEmpty
Often, there's more than one place to discover data across an organisation. And sometimes one system will contain missing data, that can be populated elsewhere.
However, it's difficult for tooling to understand when a null value is legitimately null, versus when it's appropriate to look for data elsewhere.
That's where @FirstNotEmpty
comes in.
Adding @FirstNotEmpty
onto attributes in a query response (either on a response model, or an inline anonymous response)
instructs query servers to keep looking for strategies to populate the data.
For example:
model Person {
id : PersonId
name : PersonName inherits String
email : EmailAddress inherits String
service CustomerStore {
operation findAllPeople():Person[]
[[ A person returned from a 3rd party CRM system ]]
model CrmPerson {
personId : PersonId
email : EmailAddress
service CRMPlatform {
operation findPerson(PersonId):CrmPerson
Here, we see two different systems in an organisation that contain information about people.
find { Person[] } as {
personName : PersonName
emailAddress : EmailAddress
Issuing this query would return all the data from the CustomerStore
, formatted into our result type with two properties.
Any null values present in the CustomerStore
would be left as-is.
However, if we want to enrich from other sources, we can instruct query servers to try to discover missing values:
find { Person[] } as {
personName : PersonName
emailAddress : EmailAddress
By adding @FirstNotEmpty
to the emailAddress
attribute, it instructs query servers to look for data in other data stores.
As discussed in Linking data and @Ids
, if models expose an @Id
attribute, then only
services that accept the @Id
will be used for enrichment.
In this case, for any results that a re missing an emailAddress
, the findPerson
operation will be invoked, passing the id, and looking up the email address.
The email address from those calls will be merged into the result.